Now that we presently have a hold on how to live with COVID, at this time in our lives many offices are finding that they are at a crisis point. Most offices have had numerous staffing changes without the ability to train properly due to being short staffed, teams are unmotivated, unhappy and just plain tired of trying to get by at work and at home. The time has come to get back to basics on keeping your team motivated. The tips provided may seem obvious but check to make sure they are actually occurring not just the intention of them happening.
- As a leader in your practice, you need to lead by example. Reflect on your own behaviour and make sure that you are the role model of how an ideal team member should act. Ensure that you are productive, proactive and taking responsibility for the success of the office. An example of this would be, don’t expect your team to be outstanding if they have to come get you numerous times for a patient because you are texting/on the computer between patients. Arrive at work in lots of time before the start of the day and be on time for your first patient after lunch. Many leaders need to find the balance between procrastinating about persisting problems and micromanaging other problems.
- This point goes hand in hand with the above point but have a good attitude. Your team will mirror your attitude, if you have a good attitude all day then your team will as well. Whatever attitude you portray at work you can be sure that your team will follow.
- Keep your team well-coordinated through great communication. Your huddles should be productive in discussing patient care and preferences and provide a motivating message for your team.
- Have Performance Goals for your team. If you don’t provide your team with the steps to achieve a goal then you can expect them to stay where they always are. Success doesn’t just happen, it is always planned.
- Ensure that your team has received proper training, fill in any gaps in their current training and review any manuals or protocols that you may have to ensure that all steps are being followed. It’s only human nature that sometimes short cuts are developed without even realizing it and this may have an impact on the final outcome.
- Ensure that your environment is pleasant to work in every day. Has the workspace been maintained with fresh paint? Is the team room comfortable and pleasant with proper lighting? Are all the tools for the trade in good working order? This would include business equipment as well. Frustration with constant work arounds for broken equipment will not help anyone’s motivation.
- Everyday recognition of team members with Hello and Goodbye, thanking them for a good day or even when a day doesn’t go well still providing some positive encouragement. You need to point out when things don’t go well but ensure that you point out when things go smoothly as well. Showing appreciation of when things go well will help your team go the extra mile.
- Your team needs to feel that you have an open-door policy so that they feel comfortable coming to you with questions or suggestions. Your team should know your preferences for when you like to hear questions or suggestions so that they aren’t constantly bombarding you when you aren’t mentally available. Making yourself available for fifteen minutes at the end of the day before you leave would be an appropriate time for you to catch up on the day and spend some time with your team.
Keeping your team motivated is the first step to having your dream office. Honest self- reflection will be the answer to the type of leader you want to be and help you find the path to get there.