How to Derail the “Turnover Train” in Your Dental Practice

As we revisit the challenge of staff turnover that continues to impact dental practices, it’s clear that the issue remains pertinent. Despite hopes that increased salaries would stabilize staffing levels, the dental staffing crisis persists. 

While boosting pay is a draw, it’s not a panacea. Below, we explore updated strategies to help you not only fill positions but keep them filled by fostering a supportive and engaging work environment.

Refining the Interview Process

Your interview process is your first line of defense against future turnover. It’s essential to listen attentively and ask probing questions that go beyond the standard script. These questions should aim to uncover the applicant’s true personality and work ethic. 

For instance, ask candidates to discuss their significant accomplishments in their last three roles, regardless of the industry. A hesitation to respond might reveal a lack of engagement or a mismatch with management styles in their previous positions. 

This insight can guide you to make more informed hiring decisions that align with your practice’s values and needs.

Structured Onboarding and Training

A robust onboarding process with clear documentation and defined performance goals sets clear expectations from the outset. Each role within your practice should have a comprehensive training plan in place before the need arises to fill that position. 

This proactive approach ensures that every team member understands their pathway to success from day one.

Cultivating a Positive Office Culture

Perhaps the most critical element in retaining staff is the cultivation of a positive and inclusive office culture. Efforts to create a 5-Star VIP experience for patients should be mirrored by a similarly exceptional environment for your team. 

Here are six (6) updated strategies to enhance your practice’s culture:

Public Praise and Private Feedback: Regularly recognize team members’ efforts publicly while reserving constructive feedback for private discussions. This approach helps maintain morale and motivation.

Promote Positive Attitudes: Encourage a workplace where positivity is the norm. This helps in creating an environment that fosters professional satisfaction and personal well-being.

Unified Goals: Communicate the practice’s objectives, whether they are patient experience benchmarks or specific operational metrics. Alignment in goals ensures everyone is moving in the same direction.

Clear Organizational Structure: Well-documented protocols and clearly defined roles eliminate confusion and establish clear expectations, making it easier for staff to meet and exceed these standards.

Competitive Compensation: Continuously review and adjust compensation packages to ensure they are competitive within your local market. Strive to offer salaries that are fair and reflective of the cost of living and job demands.

Celebration of Achievements: Small wins should be celebrated as much as major milestones. Whether through a simple thank-you, a team lunch, or a performance bonus, recognition goes a long way in building loyalty.

We can all use a refresher, agree? I mean, our patients come back once a year, sometimes twice. Orthodontics requires monthly maintenance, so why should our practices organization and work flows be any different? 

Spoiler alert… they aren’t.

Bigger spoiler alert… you already know this (don’t you?)

Derailing the “Turnover Train” requires more than one-time fixes; it demands a consistent and holistic approach to how you recruit, onboard, and support your staff. 

Enhance your hiring process, training programs, and workplace culture. In doing this, your dental practice can become a place where professionals not only want to work but want to stay.

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