Cindy Mark

Knowing this one thing could save your Dental Practice!

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Knowing this one thing could save your Dental Practice! Read More »

Standard of Care Protocol for Your Hygiene Department-Part 6

Here’s our final piece in our series discussing the complexities of open hygiene time. Last, but not least, let’s look at setting up Standard of Care Protocol. While every hygienist aims to deliver the best care for the patient, they will have their own interpretation of that care. It is up to the practice to …

Standard of Care Protocol for Your Hygiene Department-Part 6 Read More »

Team Communication for Hygiene Appointments- Part 5

I hope you’re feeling a bit more clarity about open hygiene time in your practice with our six-part series. In this article, let’s look at this issue from both the clinical and the administrative perspective. First, the clinical. In your practice, are the hygienists educating patients throughout the appointment about the reasons for their diagnosed …

Team Communication for Hygiene Appointments- Part 5 Read More »

Know your Hygiene Open Time Key Performance Indicators- Part 2

Welcome to the second in my six-part series exploring the reasons why you are challenged by hygiene open time. As an owner, you always want to be aware of the Hygiene Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) in your practice. Industry norm is always the goal, but if your practice numbers are not in this range, you …

Know your Hygiene Open Time Key Performance Indicators- Part 2 Read More »

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Everyday I see dental practices make crucial mistakes that burnout their teams and turn away patients. I’ll show you how to change all that in this guide. Download the guide – it’s FREE!